KNA Roofing: Keeping the Big Apple Pie Warm for Over 15 Years

KNA Roofing… you might see our name and think, “What does KNA stand for? Keep New York Aloft?” Maybe it’s “Kind New Jersey Artisan?” Nope! Our secret code actually stands for “Keeping Noggins Affectionately (roofed).” Yes, we just kitted you out with your morning smile.

Decoding the Architectural Puns

Serving New York and New Jersey for over 15 glorious years, we’ve put a “cap” on so many homes, we’re starting to feel like a giant haberdasher for houses! From simple shingles to grandiose gantries, if it shields from the sky, we’ve sold it, and smartly too!

A Shelter Shell for Your Dream Den

Top-hats off to our dexterous team, always ensuring your crowning glory looks spiffy and snug, come rain or snow. Here at KNA Roofing, our mission statement remained as sunny as a summer’s day in Central Park: Shielding your sweet dreams under surreal stars! Here’s to another 15 years of shingling in hilarity.