The Truth About AC Refrigerant: Debunking the “Top-Off” Myth

Dispelling Air Conditioning Misconceptions

At Aeromark Mechanical, we often encounter various myths and misconceptions about air conditioning systems. Today, we’re tackling a common belief that many homeowners in Jersey City, Hoboken, Union City, and Hackensack, NJ, have about AC refrigerant.

The Myth: Annual Refrigerant Top-Offs

One persistent myth is that air conditioners need their refrigerant topped off annually as part of regular maintenance. This misconception leads many to believe that refrigerant is like engine oil, which needs regular replenishment.

The Truth: Refrigerant Doesn’t Get “Used Up”

Here’s the reality: In a properly functioning AC system, refrigerant doesn’t get consumed or diminish over time. The refrigerant in your air conditioner circulates in a closed loop, continuously changing from liquid to gas and back again. This process allows it to absorb and release heat, cooling your home in the process.

Why This Myth is Harmful:

  • Unnecessary costs: Topping off refrigerant when it’s not needed is a waste of money.
  • Environmental impact: Refrigerants can be harmful to the environment if released unnecessarily.
  • Masking real problems: If your system is low on refrigerant, it likely has a leak that needs repair.

When Refrigerant Actually Needs Attention

The only time your AC system should need refrigerant is if there’s a leak. Signs of a refrigerant leak include:

  • Decreased cooling efficiency
  • Ice formation on the evaporator coil
  • Hissing sounds from the AC unit

If you notice these signs, it’s crucial to have a professional from Aeromark Mechanical inspect your system. We’ll locate and repair the leak, then recharge the system with the correct amount of refrigerant.

Remember, regular AC maintenance is essential, but it doesn’t include routine refrigerant top-offs. Trust Aeromark Mechanical for honest, reliable air conditioning installation, repair, and service in Jersey City, Hoboken, Union City, and Hackensack, NJ. We’re here to keep your cool with facts, not fiction!